„Encore tout émerveillées d’avoir reçu la permission d’explorer ce monde […]“
de Beauvoir 1986[1949], p. 635
To avoid taking the quote above out of context: Simone de Beauvoir points out that there were fewer geniuses in the fields of research, art, and literature assigned to the female gender during her time. The development of brilliant ideas, especially for women, would be hindered by a lack of obliviousness. Instead of fully devoting herself to the work she undertakes, a woman would often consider it merely a superficial ornament of her life. Her work would be merely an instrument that allows her to publicly display her own person as the essential reality (de Beauvoir, 2021[1949], p. 872).
This website is hardly oblivious in its presentation of my person as a social policy researcher, and beyond. In the spirit of open science and de Beauvoir’s related statement that „(w)omen do not know that a mistake can open the way to progress“ (ibid., p. 871), I hope that with the help of this platform, an open exchange of ideas can emerge. Please point out any errors, let me know if there are any concerns, and let us argue not about me, but rather about my ideas, so they can grow and flourish. I am looking forward to any contact with you.