Research and teaching


Publications, research interests, conferences and workshops, invited talks, memberships, teaching


Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

Löffler, V. (2021). Questioning the feasibility and justice of basic income accounting for migration. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 20(3), 273–314.

Open access

Working papers

Löffler, V. (2024). The cost of fair pay: How child care work wages affect formal child care hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours. SOEPpapers, 1205.

Open access

Löffler, V. (2024). Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany. FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, 01-2024.

Open access


Löffler, V. and Rudolf C. (2024). Gleichstellung in der Krise: Der unsichtbare Beitrag von Frauen zur deutschen Wirtschaft. Berliner Zeitung, published online on the 23rd of October, 2024.


Löffler, V. and Bunke, C. (2024). Grundeinkommen für die Miete. Augustin (Big Issue), No. 606.


Löffler, V. (2024). Unbezahlte Arbeit: Hausarbeit, Kinderbetreuung und Pflege—Jährliche Berechnung für Deutschland von 1991 bis 2021. Economiefeministe – Plattform für feministische Ökonomie, published online on the 16th of September, 2024.


Löffler, V. and Rudolf, C. (2024). Methodenbericht zu den Faktenblättern zu unbezahlter Arbeit in Deutschland und zur Bruttowertschöpfung von unbezahlter Arbeit. Economiefeministe – Plattform für feministische Ökonomie, published online on the 16th of September, 2024.


Löffler, V. (2024). Grundeinkommen: kein Allheilmittel, aber ein Anfang. KiPPE (Big Issue), No. 209.


Meyer, M. and Löffler, V. (2023). Anreizkompatibilität eines Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens in der Diskussion. FRIBIS Policy Debate, published online on the 31st of May, 2023.

Open access

Meyer, M. and Löffler, V. (2023). Sozialvertragliche Bedingungen und Regeln für eine Grundeinkommensgesellschaft. FRIBIS Policy Debate, published online on the 31st of May, 2023.

Open access

Löffler, V. and Müller, C. (2020). Ökonomie in Staatslexikon: Recht – Wirtschaft – Gesellschaft. Bd. 4: Milieu – Schuldrecht. Görres-Gesellschaft & H. Oberreuter (Eds.), 8th edition.

Research interests

Social policy
Basic income

More Information

Prizes won

Dr. Andreas Dombret Doctoral Prize 2024

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Conferences and workshops


Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies Annual Meeting at the University of Freiburg

“Consequences of an intersectional Approach to Basic Income”

In_equality Conference at the University of Konstanz

“The cost of fair pay: How an increase in child care work wages affects Formal child Care Hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours”

Workshop Homeless, helpless, hopeless? Taking Stock of (Un)successful Ap-
proaches to End Homelessness in Advanced Democracies
at the University of Göttingen

“Evaluating trials on basic income and homelessness using the Polanyian capabilitarian framework”

Annual Meeting of the Issue Network on Poverty Research of the German Insti-
tute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (DIFIS) at the University of Duisburg-Essen

“Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany”


ESPAnet – ERC CAPABLE Workshop for Doctoral Students and Early Career Researchers at the University of Utrecht

“The cost of fair pay: How an increase in child care work wages affects Formal child Care Hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours”

Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies Annual Meeting at the University of Freiburg

“Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany”

17th Research Conference on Homelessness at KU Leuven

“Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany”

22nd Basic Income Earth Network Congress

“Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany”


6th User Conference of the FDZ of the BA at the IAB

“The cost of fair pay: How an increase in child care work wages affects Formal child Care Hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours”

ESPAnet’s 20th Anniversary Conference at the University of Vienna

“Questioning the feasibility and justice of basic income accounting for migration”

Early Career Workshop des Danish Center for Welfare Studies at the University of

“The cost of fair pay: How an increase in child care work wages affects Formal child Care Hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours”


5th International PPE Conference of the Universität Witten/Herdecke

“Questioning the feasibility and justice of basic income accounting for migration”

4th PPE Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans

“Feasibility and Justice of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) Considering its Migration Incentives”


4th BKM Doctoral Symposium Belk College of Business an der University of North Carolina, Charlotte

“The Universal Basic Income‘s Labor Supply Effects Considering Intrinsic Motivation”

Invited talks


Basic Income Earth Network Austria

“Grundeinkommen und Wohnungslosigkeit”

#CloseEconDataGap expert talk

“The Gross Value of Unpaid Care work in Germany from 2012 to 2021”

Anniversary Convention of the Netzwerk Grundeinkommen e.V.

“Grundeinkomen und Wohnungslosigkeit”

Lecture series at the University of Vienna

“Arbeit – Care – BGE”


Talking Economics at the University of Münster

“Grundeinkomen und Wohnungslosigkeit”


Brown Bag Talk of the Institute for Employment Research

“The cost of fair pay: How an increase in child care work wages affects Formal child Care Hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours”

Doctoral colloquium of the Chair of Political Economy at the University of Münster

“The cost of fair pay: How an increase in child care work wages affects Formal child Care Hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours”

FRIBIS Junior Research Group at the University of Freiburg

“Questioning the feasibility and justice of basic income accounting for migration”

Working group on economics of the Youth Organization of the Green Party Munich

“Markt, Marktversagen und Staatseingriff am Beispiel des Mietendeckels – eine theoretische Einführung”


Since 2024

Beta Gamma Sigma
International business honor society for AACSB-accredited schools

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Since 2023

Independent Institute #CloseEconDataGap

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gender research network at the University of Münster

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Since 2022

care research team of the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies

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Since 2019

Support circle of the Center for Interdisciplinary Economics at the University of Münster

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Chamber of Commerce and Industry Academy North Westphalia

Lecture in Social Policy: Fall 22/23, Fall 23/24, FALL 24/25

University of Münster

Lecture in Microeconomics: FALL 23/24
Tutorial in MiCroeconomics: Fall 19/20, Fall 20/21, Fall 21/22, Fall 22/23, Fall 23/24
Seminar in Politics And Economics I: Fall 19/20, Fall 20/21, Fall 21/22
Seminar in Politics And Economics II: Spring 19, Spring 20, Spring 21, Spring 22
Tutorial in Basic Economics, Macroeconomics: Spring 20, SPring 23
Basic Economics in Teaching: Spring 22